Cartoon is a duo and former trio who debuted on NCS with their track, Why We Lose, with Jéja and featuring Coleman Trapp, released on June 13, 2015.
In early 2024, Ago Teppand, known by his stage name Jéja, left the project to pursue his solo career, thus leading to him being credited separately on every Cartoon release prior to his departure.
Hugo Martin Maasikas
Joosep Järvesaar
Ago Teppand (formerly)
Location: Tallinn, Estonia
Cartoon is an Estonian band formed in 2015 by Hugo Martin Maasikas, Ago Teppand, and Joosep Järvesaar. They are known for their songs on NoCopyrightSounds, including "On & On", the most viewed video on NCS's YouTube channel, as of July 2023.
In early 2024, Ago Teppand (a.k.a Jéja) left the project to pursue his solo career. - Twitter:, Jéja, Bedwetters - I'm Not Alright [Official Music Video]
Cartoon, Jéja - Piranha (ft. Pluuto) [Official Music Video]
Cartoon, Jéja - No Halo (ft. Asena) [Official Lyric Video]
Cartoon - On & On (Official Music Video)
Cartoon, Jéja - On & On (Remix) [Official Lyric Video]
Cartoon, Jéja - Howling (ft. Asena) [Official Lyric Video]
Cartoon, Jéja - Whatever I Do (ft. Kóstja)
Cartoon & Jéja - I'm Not Alright (NLCK & Dimatik Remix)
Cartoon, Jéja - Immortality ft. Kristel Aaslaid (Futuristik Remix)