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ASK ME ANYTHING (AMA) - Ask the administrator(s) your questions HERE PLEASE

  • 21 Replies

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SORRY - I lost the all the forum data.

I promise it won't happen again.  PLEASE reregister your username and recreate your threads and posts.

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum

« Last Edit: January 22, 2023, 05:30:29 PM by Administrator »


Online 5arah

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Re: SORRY - I messed up and lost the forum data
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2021, 04:29:35 PM »
It's ok I still love you 💘



Where is Administration ??
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2023, 12:41:55 AM »
Where is administration ??

Where is moderator??
It is about advertisement on your website.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2023, 07:26:43 AM by Administrator »


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Re: Where is Administration ??
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2023, 08:11:37 AM »
Where is administration ??

Where is moderator??
It is about advertisement on your website.

Доброго времени суток.
Ваш форум мне показался очень привлекательным и перспективным.
Хочу купить рекламное место для баннера в верхней части сайта, за $800 в месяц.
Оплачивать буду через WebMoney, 50% сразу, а 50% через 2 недели. И еще, адрес моего портала - он не будет противоречить тематике? Спасибо!
Прошу написать о Вашем решении мне в ПМ или на почту

[Russian translation to English]

Good day.
Your forum seemed to me very attractive and promising.
I want to buy advertising space for a banner at the top of the site, for $800 per month.
I will pay via WebMoney, 50% immediately, and 50% in 2 weeks. And yet, the address of my portal - will it not contradict the topic? Thank you!
Please write about your decision to me in PM or mail

As per the rules of this website which you would have seen and read when you signed up for membership, this website does not allow advertisments or SPAM unless it pertains to electronic-based music such as a band, label, magazine, or the like as you can see on this site already. If you make posts or threads that don't follow the rules, you can temporarily lose your ability to post anything here. If you become a nuisance or distraction to this website further, you could have your address banned permanently. If you have any other questions, simply use the PM (Personal Message) ability which acts like email to any administator here and we can reply to you.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2023, 09:09:26 PM by Administrator »



 Могу я связаться с админом ??
 Это очень важно.

How to contact the administrator of ??

Can I contact the admin??
 This is very important.
thank you
« Last Edit: February 18, 2023, 06:29:51 PM by Administrator »


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Могу я связаться с админом ??
 Это очень важно.

How to contact the administrator of ??

Can I contact the admin??
 This is very important.
thank you

Доброго времени суток.
Ваш форум мне показался очень привлекательным и перспективным.
Хочу купить рекламное место для баннера в верхней части сайта, за $800 в месяц.
Оплачивать буду через WebMoney, 50% сразу, а 50% через 2 недели. И еще, адрес моего портала - он не будет противоречить тематике? Спасибо!
Прошу написать о Вашем решении мне в ПМ или на почту

[Russian translation to English]

Good day.
Your forum seemed to me very attractive and promising.
I want to buy advertising space for a banner at the top of the site, for $800 per month.
I will pay via WebMoney, 50% immediately, and 50% in 2 weeks. And yet, the address of my portal - will it not contradict the topic? Thank you!
Please write about your decision to me in PM or mail

As per the rules of this website which you would have seen and read when you signed up for membership, this website does not allow advertisments or SPAM unless it pertains to electronic-based music such as a band, label, magazine, or the like as you can see on this site already. If you make posts or threads that don't follow the rules, you can temporarily lose your ability to post anything here. If you become a nuisance or distraction to this website further, you could have your address banned permanently. If you have any other questions, simply use the PM (Personal Message) ability which acts like email to any administator here and we can reply to you.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2023, 09:02:10 PM by Administrator »



How to create a topic at ??
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2023, 06:43:46 PM »
Help is needed? 
 I can't write to the topic.
Thank you.


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Re: How to create a topic at ??
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2023, 07:09:33 PM »
Help is needed? 
 I can't write to the topic.
Thank you.

You just created a topic with your post here which I had to move to this thread topic since this is where all questions belong. PLEASE KEEP ALL QUESTIONS FOR THE ADMIN IN THIS TOPIC BY REPLYING HERE IN THE FUTURE!

As per the rules of this website which you would have seen and read when you signed up for membership, this website does not allow advertisments or SPAM unless it pertains to electronic-based music such as a band, label, magazine, or the like as you can see on this site already. If you make posts or threads that don't follow the rules, you can temporarily lose your ability to post anything here. If you become a nuisance or distraction to this website further, you could have your address banned permanently. If you have any other questions, simply use the PM (Personal Message) ability which acts like email to any administator here and we can reply to you.




 Can someone answer how to change the password ??
 Can I create a new username and password?
 Need your help.
 Yours faithfully.


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Can someone answer how to change the password ??
 Can I create a new username and password?
 Need your help.
 Yours faithfully.

Go to the top right of your screen to your username and click on it. Then choose ACCOUNT SETTINGS. Scroll down the list until you see Choose Password. Change it and click Change Profile to save it.

If you have any other questions, simply use the PM (Personal Message) ability which acts like email to any administator here and we can reply to you.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2023, 01:45:00 AM by Administrator »



Как создать новую тему ??
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2023, 05:51:06 PM »
 Есть кто из модераторов, так как не могу ответить в новую тему? 
Что я делаю не так? 
 Прошу подсказать. 


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Есть кто из модераторов, так как не могу ответить в новую тему? 
Что я делаю не так? 
 Прошу подсказать. 

How to create a new theme ??

Is there someone from the moderators, so why can't I reply in a new topic?
What am I doing wrong?
 Please advise.
thank you

Ви щойно створили тут нову тему. Мені довелося перенести це до теми запитань AMA, тому що нам більше не потрібні нові теми, які запитують те саме. Щоб відповісти на будь-яку стару або існуючу тему, просто натисніть кнопку ВІДПОВІДЬ у верхній частині теми.

Якщо ви не можете цього зробити... натисніть маленьку білу бульбашку під іменем автора або адміністратора, який називається «Особисті повідомлення», щоб зв’язатися з нами далі. Ви також можете перейти до верхнього чорного меню та вибрати «Мої повідомлення», а потім натиснути «Надіслати повідомлення» та ввести «адміністратор», щоб надіслати мені електронний лист.

Якщо у вас виникнуть інші запитання, просто скористайтеся можливістю приватного повідомлення (особисте повідомлення), яка діє як електронна пошта для будь-якого адміністратора тут, і ми зможемо вам відповісти.

Сподіваюся, це допоможе.


You just created a new topic here. I had to move it to the AMA questions topic because we don't need any more new topics asking the same thing. To respond to any old or existing topic, you simply click on the REPLY button at the top of the topic.

If you can't do this... click on the small white bubble under the name of the poster or the admin which is called Personal Message to contact us further. You can also go to the top black menu and choose My Messages and then click Send a Message and type in administrator to send me an email.

If you have any other questions, simply use the PM (Personal Message) ability which acts like email to any administator here and we can reply to you.

Hope this helps.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2023, 07:02:23 PM by Administrator »



 Есть кто из модераторов, нужна ваша помощь в изменении моего пароля? 
 Может я делаю что то не так? 
Прошу помочь. 


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Есть кто из модераторов, нужна ваша помощь в изменении моего пароля? 
 Может я делаю что то не так? 
Прошу помочь. 

[Russian translation to English]

How to change the password in the personal account at ??

Are there any moderators who need your help in changing my password?
 Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
Please help.
thank you

Перейдіть у верхньому правому куті екрана до свого імені користувача та натисніть на нього. Потім виберіть НАЛАШТУВАННЯ ОБЛІКОВОГО ЗАПИСУ. Прокрутіть список вниз, доки не побачите «Вибрати пароль». Змініть його та натисніть «Змінити профіль», щоб зберегти його.

Якщо у вас виникнуть інші запитання, просто скористайтеся можливістю приватного повідомлення (особисте повідомлення), яка діє як електронна пошта для будь-якого адміністратора тут, і ми зможемо вам відповісти. Для цього перейдіть у верхнє меню на екрані та натисніть «Мої повідомлення», а звідти натисніть «Надіслати повідомлення». У полі «Кому:» введіть адміністратор і введіть своє повідомлення або запитання, а потім натисніть «Надіслати повідомлення» та дочекайтеся відповіді.


Go to the top right of your screen to your username and click on it. Then choose ACCOUNT SETTINGS. Scroll down the list until you see Choose Password. Change it and click Change Profile to save it.

If you have any other questions, simply use the PM (Personal Message) ability which acts like email to any administator here and we can reply to you. To do this go to the top menu on your screen and click "My Messages" and from there click "Send a Message". In the "To:" box type administrator and type your message or question and then click "Send Message" and wait for a reply.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2023, 08:58:21 PM by Administrator »


Offline bsammon

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Would be cool if there was a switch I could flip (maybe in my account settings) to switch videos to be links instead of embeds.  When I'm not interested in videos, but I'm just looking for conversation, embedded videos mean scrolling through dozens of pages/screens of stuff-I'm-not-interested-in.  Also, if/when I'm on a slow connection, the page would load a lot faster that way.

(I'm sure that's really easy; just a few lines of code to write, right?)