That's wut i'm talkin about!!
I haven't watched the fyre fest docs but is there any Billy McFarland for this scene? I hope not. Crazy story though.
These things are fucking sick because they can catch ANYONE. Smart people are as at risk as naive people because they think they can see through scams, but successful scams get them to gamble without knowing what's wrong because it's a gamble. You can't see the outcome and it's based on "trust me bro, i proved i'm nice and other people trust me".
The one that caught me was attached to one of the most loved living genre writers. Long story short, the outcome of me blowing the whistle was the court found the writer a victim of elder abuse. The abuser was playing agent and had everyone under a spell of loving his victim. It's a terrible topic i could write a book on, but litigation was very much like being targeted by the mafia, they used every tactic just short of actually paying for violence. My family got threatened, there was an attempt to wiretap that would have been a federal crime if it wasn't caught, i don't want to get into it too far but crime does pay if victims can't afford justice. There were $100 million+ ambitions so it was big but only little parts are known in public.
ANYWAYS there was a drag post way back on the old forum about someone paying for myspace followers i wont repeat because it was probably just a wishful hope for a shortcut to success and it's mean to gossip on ancient history. It's good to watchdog though! Woof!